Our Irish Stew Dinner Z-Give Auction in support of our local Rotary Foundation is ready for preview (additional items for the auction will be added as they are received)!!! The link for registering and bidding follows:
The auction will go live on Sunday, 12 March at noon and close on Monday, 13 March at 6:30pm (just before the Irish Stew Dinner ends at 7pm).
Many items will be available for pick up (after purchase) at the Irish Stew Dinner; other item pick up will have to be coordinated with the seller (seller's name and contact information will be provided to the buyer at the Irish Stew Dinner).
Please share this auction information with all of your family and friends.
If you (or any of your friends & family) have specific questions or need help getting registered (it's very easy and this is an extremely secure site) for bidding at the auction, please email Tamara Sevcik @ bsktlady29@aol.com.
Many thanks for your support of our club's Irish Stew Dinner Z-Give Auction!
When introducing your guest speaker, here is a little information that will help with your personal introduction, i.e., your Classification Talk:
You were assigned a classification when you joined relating to your business & position. When you have the program of the day, it is your chance to tell members about yourself and your business. It shouldn't be a big chore because you should already know all the answers. Your talk should be brief before you introduce your program. Your personal story can be elaborate or short. To help you, some things you might want to include are:
Introduce yourself:
You live in (town)
Married or single
Spouse's name if applicable
Children and ages
Schools they attend
Spouse's business if applicable
Any famous children or do they do something special
Where you lived before. Where you grew up. Where you went to school
Where you met you spouse, if applicable Service?
Where you work now. Where you have worked before (optional)
What your business does or sells. How long you have been there. What you do for the company or position.
Any special items you sell or special services your company does
What makes your company special?
Business History: how long it’s been there
Any business travels to other countries or places. How often. With group, family, individually
This is your big chance to "advertise" your company to Rotary members. We do want to know where your company is and what it does. Normally, we do not "advertise" in meetings.
You do not have to answer all questions above; they are intended to give an idea of what to say if you need help getting started. It is only intended as a possible outline.
The talk is not mean to embarrass you, but to let us get to know you as you want us to.
You are not expected to "come off" as a professional speaker. Most of us are not.
If you have something special to show us, you can bring it in.
We are a very busy club with plenty of activities our members (and friends of Rotary Club 210) can help with. Check out and like our Facebook Page (Rotary Club of Leavenworth, Kansas). Additional photos of Rotarians at work may be found on our Flicker page (Rotary of LV Kansas) and you may also tweet us at @RotaryofLVKS.
President Elect
Tiffany Andrews
Phone: (417) 310-6463
Let's MAKE SOME MAGIC in the upcoming year!
Invite someone to lunch today so they can see how great it is to be a Rotarian!
Please feel free to contact me any time with great ideas (or fund-raising ideas) for OUR club!

Service Above Self
We meet In Person
Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m.
Riverfront Community Center
123 S Esplanade
Leavenworth, KS 66048
United States of America
Leavenworth, KS 66048
United States of America